Friday, January 16, 2015

The fall in the price of oil and gas provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix bad energy policies

The fall in the price of oil and gas provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix bad energy policies

The price of energy has been on a steep decline for the past several months. Oil is the most noticeable form, due to its enormous presence in the world's energy supply, but other forms of energy have been dropping, as well. Natural gas prices are the lowest they've been in 10 years, and cleaner, renewable forms of energy have been dropping in price as well due to the increase in understanding and production of the technology. This all-around drop in energy prices poses an excellent opportunity for the country's government to make some much needed changes. 

Rarely is such major change possibly in such a short amount of time, but because of how rapid the fall in prices have been a major change is achievable. Taking advantage of the current low prices in energy the country can reform its energy policy to include more efficient, renewable, and clean alternatives to the old methods that have been used for years. 

I think this is a very good opportunity for the United States as well as other country's to move away from non-renewable resources. Moving away from non-renewable resources and redoing the infrastructure of how the country gets its energy will greatly benefit future generations.

1 comment:

  1. I feel as if the prices being down is good for us the American people. The lowest prices in 10 years, I would fill my gas tank now for maybe only $45 when it used to be $55 maybe even $60! I love it!
